
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

High Tech Hotels

In Korea, this is pretty common sight in hotel rooms - a slot next to the door that you place your room key in. Once the key is inserted, the power in the room goes on. No key, no lights. It's a pretty nifty energy saving idea, but is terribly inconvenient when you want to go downstairs for a coffee, and your husband wants to stay in bed and watch television. 

(You also have you use your key to travel in the elevator).

This, however is a first. This sink can raise or lower itself a good eight inches, and sounds like a whale giving birth when it does.


Sara said...

Believe or not, the hotel I stayed at in Livingstone and the hotel in Dar Salaam both had the key=power feature. The first time, I stayed in a room with this, I called the front desk and told them the power was out in my room. You need to remember to ask for two keys next time!

I am yet to come across an adjustable sink though....

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