
Friday, October 4, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

After making a tremendous amount of progress on the nursery (I made a DIAGRAM ONLINE! With REAL MEASUREMENTS! - See!!)...

...Our household goods arrived: All of them. Including our gigantic American washer and dryer that were supposed to be left in storage (guessing they will now become hampers/hiders of contraband items when company comes over):

Glorious Stuff!

After about two solid hours of unwrapping cups - I swear we have six million of them - I came across my first broken dish:

Hallelujah! The angels rejoice that I have one less cup to fit into my teeny tiny scullery kitchen. 
(not kidding, the ad for our house actually called it a "scullery" - it makes me feel like Daisy from Downton Abbey every time I walk in)

Now baby girl's room looks like the world's smallest end-table store:

 Seriously! Why so many tables? I have no idea why we own all of these - and this ISN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM!! There are at least two lurking in corners downstairs.

On a side note, I think baby girl is playing Prison Break in my stomach right now. I swear she is trying to kick her way out through my ribcage.

#onsecondthought #mommywantssushi #youcouldsleepinacardboardboxforatleastafewdays