One week of deployment down, infinity (it seems) to go.
On top of our incredible timing of moving a week before Brandon's deployment, my darling fat baby decided to cut teeth starting the day he left. Also, due to me finally dropping some baby weight over the move, I now have a visible collarbone again - a collarbone that Emily thinks is a magical toy I have grown for her teething delight. Ouch.
We've had zero nights of successful sleep since Daddy left. Just wailing battles of wills that she always wins after playing her trump card of throwing up in the cot. She knows that a person-sized spot just opened up in my bed, and of course it must be for her.
Side note - whoever said that you only need two crib sheets clearly never lived in a house without a washer or dryer. Said person obviously didn't have to drag all their laundry to a base laundromat and fight for dryer space while holding a wailing eight-month old. Said person also probably only owns two sets of sheets for their own personal bed, and has never experienced the shame of sleeping on a bare mattress while your infant sleeps next to you on a towel, after they have peed/thrown up through the entire family inventory of sheets.
Boo to not having a washer and dryer at home. Now that all of my adopted parents have left taking their lovely American laundry machines with them, I don't really have any good laundry options (besides handwashing). Good thing I don't have children....
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