
Thursday, August 23, 2012


I just got an email from Amazon telling me that my new steam mop has shipped, and let me tell you, I am ridiculously pumped.

Having a vast expanse of hardwood flooring and a thousand glass doors open all day long isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

My floors are FILTHY. Not just "I wouldn't eat off of them" filthy, but "I wouldn't let a dog that I didn't like and was about to eat, eat off of them" filthy. Embarrassingly filthy.

I would take a picture and show you the piles of dust and dirt that accumulate under every ledge, but I'm ashamed, and no one would ever want to come visit me. BECAUSE I LIVE IN SQUALOR.

Please, Steam Mop - get here soon. I need you.


Sara said...

I still think you should have just imported a Larios boy. They are good at floors.

Rachel said...

As much as I would have loved to import a Mexican manservant, a slightly imperfect steam mop was more in my price range.

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