
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Koreans Are Nice (Also, I Am Sweaty)

Today I decided to take advantage of the balmy 93 degree weather, and ride my bike over to our realtor's office, about two? three? four? (I'm terrible at estimating distance) miles away to pay our rent.

Side Note - the biggest bill here is the 50,000 won bill (worth about $45?), so carrying the rent + deposit money in a big fat envelope kind of makes me feel like a big shot - also, scary.

On the way back, I came across an adorable little coffee shop, and decided to drag my sweaty self in to get an iced coffee.

The lady behind the counter took one look at me, and stage-whispered something to a table of women playing cards. In a half a second, they were all on their feet - one led me to a seat, the second brought me ice-water, while the third dragged over a giant fan to blow on me.

Ah, such service.

Also, embarrassing.

Do Koreans not sweat, or did I just look/smell THAT BAD?


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